So most of us hit the gym 4-to-5 times a week so that we can keep trim and healthy, but there are more than a few guys out there who want to to get cut. Specifically, they want their arms to be cut. They want their arms to be HUGE! If you’re one of those dudes who absolutely needs to have huge arms, here are twelve effective arm workouts sure to size out your guns.
#1 Pull-Ups

Most guys don’t realize the best way to actually build arm size and strength is simply developing the ability to push up your full body mass. This is particularly true if you’re just as concerned with strength as you are with size.
#2 Push-Ups

Once again, being able to lift your own body mass is going to be the most effective way to start building strength and muscle mass, and if you’re just starting to build up your arm size, it’s also the best way to avoid injury and build up endurance.
#3 Standing Dumbbell Curls

Your next step to building muscle mass is as simple as push-ups and pull-ups. Start with a smaller weight of 25 pounds in each hand and either lift together or alternate between the two and stick with reps of 10 on each arms 3 times. This will begin to create size and definition in the biceps and forearms.
#4 Standing Dumbbell Curl – 1 Arm

When you’ve effectively built up strength in both arms, it’s time to move to a single bar and up the weight. The single bar curl actually restructures where your arms are taking the weight and makes your triceps work a little bit. But when working with the single bar, remember to take it slow.
#5 One-Arm Dumbbell Rows

With this exercise, place your left knee and left hand firmly anchored on a flat bench. Your left hand should serve as support for your body; then maintain a tight body core and flat back, contract your lats and biceps, and slowly row the dumbbell upwards until it’s above your torso; then slowly lower the dumbbell to full extension and you will feel the burn in your back, triceps, biceps, and forearms.
#6 Lying Triceps Extensions

You will lie on a bench and hold a barbell straight above your chest with an overhand grip. Without shifting your upper arms forward or back, bend the elbows and slowly lower the weight down towards your head. Stop when your forearms are below parallel, but safely above your forehead. This lift will not only strengthen and tone your forearms and triceps, but your chest as well.
#7 Alternating Incline Curls

Your first step is to set the bench to a 60% incline. Hold the weights with a neutral, natural grip with palms facing in, and slowly contract your right bicep until it reaches chest level. As you raise the dumbbell, gradually rotate your hand externally so that your palm faces the ceiling. As you lift, keep your upper arms tight to your body. This lift will really work your biceps.
#8 Standing Shoulder Press

With two dumbbells, you will curl the weights upwards to chest level, then rotate your wrists externally, and push overhead all in one single, fluid motion. The standing shoulder press will work your biceps, forearms, shoulders, and chest, and is one of the most effective workouts to building your arms’ muscle mass.
#9 Overhead Triceps Press

You’ll want to be seated for this one, so grab a bench along with your weight. You will be lifting a single dumbbell: grab it so that your palms face up and are pressed against the inside of the top disc, then rest the dumbbell on your chest while positioning your hands. Keeping your upper arms still, bend your elbows, and slowly lower the weight behind your head until it’s slightly below parallel. Keep your elbows tucked in close to your head. Needless to say, this is going to make your triceps burn.
#10 Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Lie on a bench and hold two dumbbells straight above your chest. Your palms should face inwards. Without shifting your upper arms forward or back, bend your elbows and slowly lower the dumbbells down towards the side of your head. Stop when your forearms are below parallel, next contract your triceps and raise the dumbbells back to your starting position.
#11 Bent Over Barbell Rows

Hold a barbell in front of your body with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width apart, then tighten your body core, straighten your back, and drop your torso down to 60 degree angle. Next, contract your back and biceps, and pull the barbell upwards into the top of your core. Hold for 1s and return to full extension. The exercise will really work your biceps and back.
#12 Prone Bench Curls

Lie on a 45° bench holding dumbbells with an underhand grip. Without shifting your upper arms forward/back, powerfully contract your biceps and curl upwards. Hold the contraction for 1 second and then return to full extension. With this exercise, you will really feel the tension and burn in your biceps.